Monday, June 14, 2010

It's Ali-i-ive!

Danger on streets as guns proliferate...

The violence caused by those guns became evident... [More]
These must be the same guns that "go off."


MamaLiberty said...

Dang... they didn't mention how anyone gets a gun to reproduce. Was that asexually or what? I want my Ruger revolver to have little baby guns!! WAAAAA

And I really wonder where they're getting all those $100. guns - but hey, that might be the going rate for the babies!!

Ed said...

The going rate forty years ago for a teenager in Boston to purchase a pistol was $50, while the minimum wage was $1.60 per hour. The illegal weapon was 31 times the legal wage. The Federal minimum wage is now $7.25, so the illegal weapon is now 14 times the legal wage.

Even adjusted for inflation, purchasing a weapon on the street is much cheaper now.