Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We're the Only Ones "Just the Facts" Enough

8. On or about Thursday, January 7, 2010, Plaintiff was in his motor vehicle, located near a boat launch ramp at Lake Guntersville, Alabama Highway 227 near .Morrow Street in Guntersville, Marshall County, Alabama.

9. Defendants Kirkwood and Nugent spotted Plaintiffs vehicle and went to check on the vehicle.

10. Plaintiff was occupying his vehicle, seated in the driver's seat The defendant police officers approached his vehicle. Thereafter, Plaintiff was shot multiple times by the individual Defendants. The shots were fired through the driver's door and window, striking the Plaintiff as he was seated in the vehicle.

11. Plaintiff suffered from multiple gunshot wounds and a T9 fracture resulting in paraplegia, along with hemorrhagic shock secondary to multiple gunshot wounds, significant chest trauma, and a left open humerous fracture, among other injuries. [More]
That'll teach him.

[Via Carl S]


straightarrow said...

Where the Hell are the attempted murder charges? ADW charges? Where are the Federal charges unders usc 18, 242???

I don't care if all parties to this must spend the rest of their lives in involuntary servitude to pay dollar settlement amounts, they need and society needs for these people to be incarcerated in a harsh prison in general population.

I need it. I deserve it, and they never touched me. You need it, you deserve it and they never touched you, but they have severely damaged our society by their actions and lack of appropriate penalties for such.

They have harmed the4 entire nation, not as severely as they harmed the plaintiff, but harmed us all nevertheless.

straightarrow said...

Perhaps it is time for vigilante justice, since that increasingly seems to be the only form of justice available.

Anonymous said...

This will not end well

Toastrider said...

That's been a point I've made before, SA.

The problem is not that there are bad cops, because when you have a large enough group, it becomes a certainty SOMEONE is going to be an asshole.

The problem is that there are no consequences. The 'bad apples' are not removed from the barrel. And as a result, it corrodes the whole framework of law and order.

What happens when police are just another gang, and people no longer feel safe? What happens next time some halfwit sends out a SWAT team and gets a Sipsey Street response?

Fools, the lot of them.

Jeffersonian said...

WTF? They can just randomly walk up to you and murder you now?

I read the .PDF and can't find any motive. What were the two executioners even doing there?

Boondoggie said...

There is another side to this story.


Not sure if I believe the story, but the trial will be interesting.

straightarrow said...

toastrider said, "The problem is not that there are bad cops, because when you have a large enough group, it becomes a certainty SOMEONE is going to be an asshole."

What you said is accurate but really does not address the real problem. The problem is there are no good cops. Good cops would arrest criminals, even if they wore the same gang colors. They would testify against those criminals and they would expel them from the organization. That they do not, anywhere anytime makes them just exactly like any other criminal street gang with the exception of a stricter dress code.

That's the real problem.