Friday, July 23, 2010

We're the Only Ones Inappropriate Enough

An East Palo Alto police detective who suggested in a Facebook post that people who openly carry unloaded firearms should be shot engaged in "inappropriate behavior," the police department announced Tuesday. [More]
Gee, ya think...?

Now what's going to be done about it?

[Via Carl S]

1 comment:

Defender said...

It's my perception that making detective is a big step, one that most officers don't qualify for during their careers. By the time one reaches that plateau, one should have some common sense, some empathy for others, and some respect for the Constitution.
Of course, we see police CHIEFS lacking all those qualities. It's the in loco parentis syndrome. They think that somehow they have all the wisdom and all the answers while we have none.
My wife gave me hell for frequenting this website and others. "Your freedoms aren't in danger ... and I don't want some government agent coming to my door."
I think of the turtle, pulling its head inside the shell for safety .. and making a big popping sound when the 18-wheeler tire passes over it on the interstate.