Thursday, July 01, 2010

Will Delaware anti-carry gun law 'enhance public safety'?

[I]f you decide you'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six, just keep in mind that you'll no longer be just a criminal, you'll now legally be a violent criminal, subject to a mandatory minimum eight-year jail term. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at tyrants enhancing punishment against the most basic of human rights and lying about why.

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Anonymous said...

It would be great if our side had someone with Bill Gates type of money to sue these petty tyrants out of existence.

'Shall not be infringed.'

Means just that, it's plain common sense.

Defender said...

We all know this won't affect the hard-core bad guys one bit. It's always been the risk of doing business. The center-city ones don't expect to live to grow old anyway.
This is just scaring the sheep more so they'll fall over when the sheepdogs bark.

Crotalus said...

Then I guess it's time to consider the cops the enemy as well, and take as many as you can with you.

Blackdog said...

I suppose if a person, while exercising his 2nd. ammendment rights, was discovered to be concealing a set of testicles in his shorts, he could then legally be declared a sex offender?