Wednesday, August 04, 2010

That Must Be the Reason

See, it's not because someone who would do such a heinous thing is an @$$hole--it's because everybody else is a racist. [Read]

Does this mean we can't blame the rampage on "hatriot" speech?


Sean said...

So the solution, if one encounters racists, is to shoot them? What if you think the shooter is a racist? I can see the heads bobbing up and down at NAACP, and the murmurings of "Yes, they must have been racists".

Defender said...

What was that quote recently, about how those who hold to the moral high ground sometimes end up littering it with their bones...
Any time, any place, one should be prepared to meet violence with greater and decisive violence. Because that's some people's response to any slight to their reputation, erroneous or not. They MUST not be given any advantage.