Monday, September 27, 2010

An Authoritari...uh...Authoritative Report

Mayors Against Illegal Guns--you know, the group that wants to make them all illegal--has issued a new report that basically looks like a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing--especially when you consider how many of us will basically answer this with "No. Your move."

And they even have an accompanying website.

It would be fun if someone had the programming skills to do an interactive "Follow the Movement of Crime Mayors in America: Click a State" map.

1 comment:

Defender said...

They seem to be getting pretty hysterical about this. Good thing there's enough unregistered guns and ammunition to equip half the country. Much more than we need.
Oh, that's what they have a problem with.
They need to get used to it. If they win, they LOSE.