Thursday, September 16, 2010

Covering Tracks

Looks like my "Post the Grades" campaign has resulted in a hastily-constructed explanation:
These ratings were for the June 8 Primary and are not General Election Endorsements
That way, their talking pointers can deflect the call and tell people they won't release grades until Oct. 1.

But fine.

Where are the June 8 primary grades for the U.S. Senate race? What grades did those candidates get?

Why is that race conspicuously not included? Why can't we know now?

The question for PVF: Will they release Reid/Angle grades at all?

1 comment:

Pat H. said...

Cox is a incompetent lout.

I've worked directly in campaigns, including being the legislative coordinator for a state wide organization.

If I'd have pulled the crap Chris Cox/La Pierre are pulling, my duties would have been terminated almost before I could suck wind second time.

Good grief, kick that shit-headed arsehole down the road folks.