Thursday, September 16, 2010

Feral Priscilla

We humans comprise the one species on Earth whose population is truly out of control -- overriding natural mechanisms that keep living populations in check. We fail to acknowledge how our reckless overdevelopment and penchant for procreation directly impacts and degrades our relationship with deer and other free-living animals, and how that diminishes us as a culture. [More]
Oh, now, don't lump us all together. Some of us--the ones who take care of ourselves--are actually under-populating, and that may prove to be the biggest threat we face in securing the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

But, yeah, there is some overpopulation goin' on, and funny--it all seems to be enabled by policies demanded by the control freaks and their useful idiots.

"Our culture," Priscilla, you tool, was built by people much different from you. You and your fellow hive insects are the diminishers.

If there's anything more pathetic than a self-loathing human, I haven't found it.


Sean said...

Something more pathetic than a self-loathing human? A self-loathing human that is still breathing.

Kent McManigal said...

"[O]verriding natural mechanisms"... wishful thinking. And utterly impossible. We could be wiped out completely in the next 10 minutes by natural mechanisms.

Humans are natural. We are a part of nature no matter what we do. We can be destructive, but so can beavers or tree borers. The scale is different, but not the foundational truth. Only a supernatural being could truly override natural mechanisms, and humans ain't it.

Anonymous said...

Her surname is really 'Feral'?

Pat H. said...

A self-loathing WHITE (what else) woman.

Vegans, all well known by the medical community as mentally imbalanced by their refusal to ingest needed micro-nutrients found in red meat.

Priscilla is indeed a waste of skin.

BrianF said...

Wasn't this the same line of thought put forward by the Discovery Channel hostage taker?
Maybe Janet Incompetano should put Priscilla on a watch list.

Defender said...

My junior high school was careful to indoctrinate all of us with this same nonsense. As I recall, we spent a week doing environmental units, an hour on the Bill of Rights -- basic and literal, no background.
Where Ms. Feral lives was once undeveloped land. They forget.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that these morons that spout about how horrible it is to have *gasp* HUMANS on the planet never put their money where their mouth is , and self exit first, to demonstate the depth of their belief?

The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit said...

If there's anything more pathetic than a self-loathing human, I haven't found it.

How 'bout an IGNORANT self-loathing human? Pretty much any animal that can will alter its environment in order to benefit itself. Is it possible that the human population may one day exceed the carrying capacity of the environment? You dambetcha - at which point normal ecological processes will assert themselves. The only "out of control" that's going on is the "control" of Priscilla and her ilk - who never seem to be willing to jump off the planet and lighten the load. They prefer to be telling others to do so....

Frederick H Watkins said...

When governments keep robbing from the producers in the world to feed, clothe, house and keep healthy those among us who would otherwise starve, freeze, or just die from something weird, we kind of defeat the whole purpose of "overriding natural mechanisms that keep living populations in check."