Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Report shows Mayors Against (your) Guns desperation to be relevant

It's no accident that the violent crime plague is the worst in cities already under the (illusion of) control of  Bloomberg & Co. Their "solution" is to extend their enlightened rule over the rest of us, who have no problem controlling ourselves and who just want them to leave us alone.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a report that illustrates, more than anything, just how clueless the gungrabbers really are.

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Pat H. said...

The gun confiscation lobby's cluelessness is that they don't realize just what they face.

They seemm to think that a tiny handful of surrogates will be able to confiscate the 600+ million guns in America and that the owners of this private property will simply let them perform this activity.

That's profound cluelessness. One half to two thirds of their surrogates will simply take the money and do nothing, one third to half will be sanctioned harshly enough to be rendered irrelevant. Then we'll come after those who sent them.

Perhaps they're all self-hating gun conficators.

Defender said...

The local news advises that they'll be practicing press-release journalism this evening. Crime guns originate in Virginia!
Because ... we can still buy them legally here?
If they do away with private sales at gun shows, or private sales IN OUR HOMES, then we'll all just be criminals. Actual felons don't let it bother them; we won't either.
I certainly wouldn't want to be one of the stooges trying to sting a noncriminal seller selling to a noncriminal buyer. I just see no future in it.
The unarmed Tea Party rallies bother our opposition very much. They really don't get it, the mood of Real America.