Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Revived Debate

Some of us aren't interested in debating the point. [Read]



Pat H. said...

The debate is only in the minds of progressive/fascists, no one serious about protecting intrinsic self defense rights grants that there is a debate.

The right of self defense and access to the tools thereof are not subject to debate, the democratic process, nor to arguments of utility.

No right is so subject.

I do find it interesting that progressive/fascists often attempt to bring in yet another right to be debated, the right to travel and own and utilize the tools to do so. If they continue to do that, we'll eliminate driver's licenses for the infringement that they are.

Sean said...

Don't fret. The next time a goon with a gun starts murdering people in a disarmement zone at college, the gun grabbers can all run there and make it stop. Or dance in the blood afterwards.