Tuesday, September 07, 2010

School's anti-gun bigotry is what's offensive

It reminds me of nothing so much as a paraphrasing of the Mr. Mackey character from South Park: "Guns are bad, mmkay?" And those other ridiculous cartoon characters in San Francisco who would also eradicate the mere image of guns from the public consciousness... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column finds perverse rules of the narrow-minded a lot more offensive than any slogan.

Also get an update on an unarmed war vet and an unshouldered "Only One."

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Defender said...

They've graduated from horror at humanoid paper self-defense training targets to disgust with killing little clay dishes.
The word "gunpowder" is offensive? Does the school not have any chemistry classes? Do they not use acids and alkalines in experiments, substances that cowards use as dreadful terrorist assault weapons?

GunRights4US said...

Libery-minded people should seriously consider NOT submitting their precious little ones to the government's indoctrination centers (aka public schools).

I would go hungry before I would allow one of MY children to attend a government sheep training center!