Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Self-Indulgent Subversive

I never did like Krauthammer, ever since he said this:
Passing a law like the assault weapons ban is a symbolic--purely symbolic--move. ... Its only real justification is not to reduce crime but to desensitize the public to the regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation.
The Cliffs of Insanity gives us more reasons to dismiss him for the neocon sterile queen bee that he is.

And don't get me started on Buckley. I ought to resurrect some stuff I did on that fraud some years back, but some of it is in hard copy files and I don't have time to look right now.


Broken Andy said...

What he is saying has some truth to it, even if he is on the wrong side of the issue.

TJP said...

Wow, I'm shocked. I knew his mind was distorted by living on Planet DC, but what I just heard come out of his mouth was a pile of meaningless buzzword mush.

I'm less than lukewarm on Palin now, but where I the empty suit to the right, as soon as the Hammeredkrauth said "ee-lec-TI-bull", I would've challenged him to produce evidence that would disqualify her, according to the rules set forth in the Constitution.

The only message that comes through here is that it is "irresponsible" not to continue to vote for statist DC insiders. Yeah...That's why Obamacare is "irreversible". But wait, he then contraticts himself and lectures us to vote for "the most electable" GOP candidate in order to "stop" something which is, er, "irreversible".

These mushheads are unprincipled parrots. It's pretty clear that the GOP handed him some contradictory talking points, and he did the best he could with them.

jon said...

i am not the least bit surprised.

Defender said...

I'm sick of people voting for the lesser (not always) of two evils because a third GREAT candidate is pronounced unelectable by some authority figure. The Powers That Be understand incrementalism and use it to their advantage. They don't have to win every race, just 51% of them, to win the long game.
Vote your conscience and MAKE someone electable.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...
