Thursday, September 09, 2010

Well, That's ONE Way "Obama Could Help Stop...Bloodshed"

You know, by crossing the Rubicon here... [Read]

You really don't have a clue, do you, Andres Oppenheimer?


Defender said...

Oppenheimer is one of those fools who desires war more than peace. Does he REALLY want it to be a federal offense again to possess a magazine of larger than 20 rounds made after a certain arbitrary date? Does he REALLY want more olofsons, Weavers, Wacos?
The U.S. government sent TONS of military hardware to the Contras in Central America. It didn't just evaporate.
Did Oppenheimer say semi-automatic M-16? What an expert.

swiontek3625 said...

The M-16 pictured from USA Today had a grenade launcher attached. I had to post a comment on Mr. Oppenheimer's article.

JJ Swiontek
Denver, CO

Ned said...

As everyone knows, a legal, transferable full-auto M16 rifle costs around 15,000 bux.

These people use bait ans switch tactics to confuse their readers.

I read some time ago that there was only one instance of a class III gun being used in a crime. And if memory serves, it wasn't actually utilized - there was another crime being investigated, and in typical jack-boot fashion, they charged the guy with a gun crime because he had a full auto while involved in some other criminal enterprise.

Yeah - Obama can help. He can stop the importation of military weapons to the Mexican military and police.

Link P said...

How does Oppenheimer does get an "existing inter-American drug convention" out of CIFTA (Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms)?

It appears to be exclusively an anti-firearms treaty to me.

Crotalus said...

"80% of those traceable..." Or that they bothered to trace. And I'll bet they had a way to cherry-pick those for the results they wanted. Never mind all that full-auto weaponry, and the military ordnance that the cartels get; that doesn't fit the agenda.