Wednesday, September 01, 2010

We're the Only Ones "Not My Job" Enough

"My wife screamed at him, 'Help! My daughter needs CPR,'" Michael said.

He said the uniformed man "smirked" and replied, "I don't do CPR." [More]

Huh? What? No, the "mystery man" doesn't work here. That couldn't have been one of our cars.

Hey, Sarge, can I have a work order form? Yeah, my dash cam went on the fritz yesterday...

Welcome to Furious Mike Paradise.

[Via Harvey]

1 comment:

Defender said...

I do CPR, and I've never been a public official of any kind, ever.
What athlete's mother slipped into a coma and soon died while a cop held him within a block of the hospital because he was a few miles over the speed limit?
Oh, consequences are needed.
Odd that the government is asking the trash collectors to report on citizens, but the first responders don't want to respond in ways that help.