Friday, September 03, 2010

Westchester 'firearm safety' claim shows media bias

If these gun owners had not shown a willingness to obey laws by registering their guns and getting licenses/permits in the first place, the "Only Ones" wouldn't even know who to invade.

And the arrogance of the legislators in dismissing gun owner concerns is typical of those who perceive a lock on political power. Like all bullies, they love to rub it in the faces of those they lord over who may have the gall to protest their rule. [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows yet one more example of what the New York police state thinks of "law-abiding gun owners."

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Defender said...

After Mike Vanderboegh's experience yesterday, I was almost considering renewing my concealed carry permit. Cheap insurance, some call it. Better than a criminal record and becoming a prohibited person.
This atrocity, Mike's persecution and Filthadelphia's arrests of and confiscations from people WITH reciprocal Florida permits to carry concealed handguns, clears the mind greatly.
Now, not just "No" but "(bleep)ing (bleep), No!" It's never enough, no matter how one prostrates oneself.
We talked about these "courtesy home inspections" when safe storage laws first came up.
I'm already in the database from the 10 years I had a CCW permit, on the advice of someone I THOUGHT was a freedom advocate. If crap like this ever comes to my county, I guess it'll be interesting times. The JBTs will probably start with known gun owners and go door to door in the vicinity just as a "lucky dip" operation.
Government is in the creating criminals business, and business is a-boomin'.

Crotalus said...

The picture at the head of the column asks, "Is this a dynamic entry by cops, or a home invasion by dangerous criminals?" Redundant, Sir, as cops are now our enemies. Either scenario is an invasion by dangerous criminals.

D.M. McGowan said...

Small people with small minds demanding big power, but it's not anything new.
Insurance companies will spend 10 thousand to avoid paying a 5 thousand dollar claim because they know they can defeat a law-abiding claiment. However the thief that burns his own car? They pay him immediatley because they don't want to actually work for a living.
Chase down a drug pusher or a gang member with a stollen fully automatic weapon? Can't do that; he might shoot back.
Taking a crack at a law abiding citizen is much safer and easier. Besides, we can't have John Q Public protecting himself! That would mean we aren't as important as we keep saying we are. Besides that we might have to investigate the shooting and that sounds like work.