Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Don't Dare Blame the "Victim"

Many accused Moynihan, who was white, of "blaming the victim:" of saying that black behavior, not racism, was the main cause of black problems. [More]
That is so unfair, to expect human beings to realize that sex can result in pregnancy.  What the hell is wrong with racists who believe that?

Next thing you know, the bigots will be telling us that self control is the answer. 

And that guns aren't the cause of urban violence...


Crotalus said...

Ya know, In Ecclesiastes the Bible says there is a time to kill. Is it possible that Christians are going to have to rise up and do actual battle? After all, there's no place to go to establish a new nation.

Sean said...

Amen, Bro.

PeaceableGuy said...

Of course, our criminal federal government has been subsidising such lifestyles, which of course encourages such reckless and irresponsible behavior.

All the thugs and crooks in Washington MUST be ejected and rule of law MUST be restored, immediately!