Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Mighty Keynesian

Good Lord. [Watch]

"Wild in the Streets" is here. Except based on these "adults," we don't need to fight for 14.

Rock the vote, baby.

[Via Russ H]


Defender said...

Y reed whn u cn txt 24 7?

Young man of about 25 is in a class I'm taking. Not from "another land," as Robert Klein used to say. Giving an oral presentation, he stumbled through reading someone else's printed work, pronouncing "cooperation" "koop... koop... koop-er-ay-shun."
His expensive hairdo is perfectly maintained and his clothes are the latest, though. Priorities.
If he voted at all, I'm sure it was for Obama, who they say is "a (sic) awesome president."
Read the comments under the YouTube video, saying the TEA PARTY is racist, toothless, incestuous ignorant trailer trash?

Defender said...

A week after he told urban Latinos "we need to punish our enemies" (Anglo conservatives) on election day and "Republicans will be asking to work with us, but we're going to make them ride in the back of the bus," Obama is back today after being handed his a--... er, agenda, urging bipartisan cooperation, reaching out to each other for a consensus, finding common ground.
Not unlike Islam which he admirs so much, when they fail to conquer.

Mack said...

I don't know, David, are you trying to be funny? I'm not in the mood.

For something serious, this happened (somewhat) near where I live:

Unhinged Perriello/Obama supporter rips up GOP signs, screams “You f**king House nigger white-black bitch!”

Michelle actually put all those word into her blog. But the guy is freaked out. Good thing he wasn't one of us, right?

Seriously, what would you do if this happened on your property?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure some of them, perhaps even
the one whose sign it was knew the difference. That kind of subtle useless oneupmanship is not all that uncommon. This example however did serve to publicize elite ignorance.

Although I do agree that the incident Mack related is more important. Never never underestimate the possibility of liberal/progressive hostility, including those in the Iviest Ivies.