Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Man Mitthead Redux

This anti-gun slug wants the top spot.

This one never stopped wanting it, and he's apparently considered a "frontrunner" of sorts.

Fortunately for him, the signals have been sent on multiple occasions.

See, the whole purpose of the Tea Party movement and the groundswell of citizen dissatisfaction with oppressive government has been to make sure Establishment RINOS get more power over our lives.

Note to Stupid Party: You will blow it all.

Note to Fairfax: This ain't a chess game.


Defender said...

Mitt "No semi-autos in MY state" Romney is on YouTube, proud of Massachusetts's mandatory health insurance law, similar to Obamacare.
What's the difference between the parties again?

BrianF said...

I agree, the stupid party will blow it again.