Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Examiner Strikes Again

Yes, I know the individual article links aren't working. And that instead they go to my main page. And that it doesn't show any updates past October. 

Believe me, after having painstakingly coded individual column links into articles, blogs, social media and had others kindly link to them as well, I know.

I've filled out a ticket and have been told it's a "hiccup" that's been "escalated to our engineers."

I've suggested the corporate slogan "Just slightly ahead of our ability."


sofa said...

thank you for suffering through it. we all benefit from your efforts.

David Codrea said...

Thanks--the thing that really fries me is, as of last night, I was #1 national in their national Politics category, and it made the Google News feed where people could not access it from there, which means untold numbers have been lost for the past day's efforts. As of now, over 12 hours after I reported it and filled out a ticket and complained to management, it is still fouled up. Which means it is for the most part a lost effort on an exclusive story, as even though Fox, many newspapers and the big boys are reporting this story, no one had the quote from the attorney pledging to continue for full restoration of rights--which was the main question being asked by people who realize commutation is only half the battle.