Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Poster Boys

Dennis and Josh...

It's not that they're unoriginal so much as it being a matter of why let a good pejorative go to waste, especially if you can turn it into a meme...?

And these particular poster boys are good at that.


BrianF said...

I see that Josh thinks that people should be penalized for crimes that have not happened yet.

Defender said...

Young Mr. D'Cruz's likes to play dress-up gangsta. Most teenagers do these days, even Sunday school students if they can get away with it.
His posts read like emails home from troops in Afghanistan. Do you WANT your Marines singing to the Taliban head-choppers "I love you, you love me, let's get together and have some tea"?
Dennis and Josh don't mind a little bloodletting if it's the blood of someone with one of those illegal guns. Or their wife, children, pets, neighbor...

Mack said...

So, if HuffPost racial profiling now?

jselvy said...

Interesting, They are using their first amendment right to attack his second amendment right using his first amendment protected writings as a weapon.
The hypocrisy is overwhelming.