Saturday, January 01, 2011

Does Ohio state gun law preemption do ‘violence’ to ‘home rule’?

Funny. I don’t seem to recall any of the anti-personal defense crowd recommending regional “home rule” carve-out exclusions to any of their dream edicts. They always seem to be binding everywhere…you know, one size fits all…

And by the way, what exactly "works in Chicago"? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes "home rule" begins at home, not at City Hall or the State House, and that the object is properly "self rule."

Also resolve to do something today. And tomorrow. And the next day.

Resolve to share the link--from your home to someone else's?

1 comment:

Defender said...

Ultimate arrogance. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are quite clear, and apply to the entire United States and its territories. (The need for "incorporation" be damned.) And that's the LOW-water mark of liberty. There's no home rule allowance for building islands of tyranny in a sea of liberty. Yet they do.
THE only valid gun law says "shall not be infringed." If a state decides to move closer to that ideal and a city says no, that city is itself criminal and treasonous. A Without Rule Of Law situation.