Monday, January 17, 2011

Schumer drug use reporting proposal won’t stop violence, will infringe on rights

So how does one go about decrying this “reasonable, common sense” proposal without appearing to favor stoned-out (or worse) substance abusers walking the streets with guns? Schumer is nothing if not smart and shrewd. He appears to have constructed an argument few would dare publicly oppose.

How’s the line go? “I’m your huckleberry.”

Let’s ask a few questions...[More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the addictive nature of unbridled power.

Shoot a the link over to some fellow users?


Defender said...

A recent survey of high school-age teens finds that at least 50% have at least tried marijuana.
When the Homeland Security man running the thermal scanner (blush response lie detector) in the F.A.S.T. trailer asks the question, bzzt, there go your rights like a bug in a zapper light.
The FDA is being given jurisdiction over TOBACCO as "a drug." Is it absurd to speculate...? I don't think so, not really. Employers are ceasing to hire smokers. Socialized medicine will incentivize further discrimination against tobacco users. On average, they use, of course, "more than their fair share" of limited healthcare resources.
Then there's the issue of "mental illness," very hot right now. One in Five Americans has been treated.
Boy, they're feeling froggy.

Defender said...

Second report this week.
The usual. Wrong house or simply an anonymous-call false-report SWATting for grins. 13-year-old girl threatened with submachine gun, residents manhandled and forced to stand out in the cold in their underwear, dog threatened with lead euthanasia.
Because drugs are BAD, and no, you do NOT own yourself, we do.

Defender said...

Not legalized or decriminalized, but apparently if cops smell it, they won't be allowed to break into your house without a warrant or take you down in the middle of the street.

Schumer and many others must be conflicted about this. But don't worry, Chuckie, you'll always have Katrina.
Five and a half years and still no justice for gun owners of N.O.