Monday, February 21, 2011

The Best Defense

Supporters of the legislation argue that gun violence on campuses, such as the mass shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007 and Northern Illinois in 2008, show that the best defense against a gunman is students who can shoot back. [More]
Whereas blood-dancing exploiters have calculated the most lucrative response is to become a professional victim playing the sob-sister circuit.

[Via Ed M]

1 comment:

Pat H. said...

This restoration of access to the right of self defense on university and college campus' is part of our bill in South Carolina, H. 3292.

As usual, there's a RINO state Rep. who has "letters" from various school presidents opposed to this extension of access to the right of self defense.

I'm asking my legislator to examine the various contracts of these slimeball presidents to see if there's a morals clause and if there is, advocating a restriction of intrinsic rights should be a violation of that clause. I'll then request any president that has written such a letter be immediately terminated.

We need to kick their arses.