Thursday, February 10, 2011


Mexico's Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth [More]
Who knew?

Still, good numbers, for those who rely on such things in their arguments.

1 comment:

TJP said...

I wonder if STRATFOR has been closely watching developments in this country that relate to the three wars being waged here: the war on property, the war on food production, and the war on the right to life.

I can't really blame them if they haven't. Not much to see, honestly. We lost the war on property in the early 19th century, when the entire West, and every government therein, adopted socialist "economics" as policy, even as all its assumptions were being shot down in scientific journals. Food production took a turn for corporatism when farmers were blamed for bad weather in the 30s (now shown as a warm period of the 20th century), and so long as we try to elect "leaders", we get masters so that the value of our lives is worth a whole lot less than a member of the ruling elite.