Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Jojo Krako Defense

The Washington Post liberally borrowed and duplicated material from the Arizona Republic earlier this March... a Post reporter lifted a couple paragraphs...a review of the reporter concluded there were no other examples of plagiarism. [More]

Even though the unnamed reporter (Sari Horwitz!) did it in two articles?

Some of you may remember "A Piece of the Action."

Who's plagiarizin'?

We're borrowin'.

That must be why she apologized and has been suspended?

It's the same Pulitzer Prize winner who teamed up with the guy who figures Mike and I, who broke the story he was feeding off of, were not worth mentioning by name.

The canons of "Authorized Journalism"!

I wonder how much of their anti-gun hit piece series was pl...uh...borrowed from the Brady Playbook?

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