Thursday, March 10, 2011

Making the Grade

If anyone has time, could you look this over and let us know in comments what you think?

I heard about it during a radio interview and it seems like a pretty good idea.  But Gunwalker calls and I don't know when I'll get time to give this site a test drive.


Old Jarhead said...

I went there, didn't really care for it that much. Rated the reps strictly by some kind of popularity of the users, with no ratings set up by questions rating the rep by a defined criteria. I think the 2A questionnaire sent to every elected official gives more information.

There does not appear to be any link to the voting records, or bills proposed or filed. As such, I don't like the site, and will not use it.

W W Woodward said...

Thanks David,

I've already sent a grade in on my Texas 13th District Rep M. Thornberry along with an e-mail explaining that I gave him a D for totally ignoring a USPS letter I sent to him with documentation reference Gunwalker.

Let's see what happens.

Looks like one can send only one grade vote and e-mail per day.
