Friday, March 11, 2011


I note Paul Helmke still will not demand Congressional investigations. [Watch]

Nope--the answer is to further restrict the innocent and further empower the guilty.

You know he doesn't really buy into that (could he possibly?), and so have to ask yourself what kind of idiot zealot truly believes the crap he's spouting, and if they do, just what the hell is wrong with them?


W W Woodward said...

I heard Helmke blame the entire mess on a lack of leadership in ATF.

Somebody somewhere has been asserting leadership. Leading in an extremely questionable direction, but leadership non-the-less.

It doesn't appear that the boots-on-the-ground guys came up with the idea of Gunwalker.


Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

David has said that throughout his coverage of "Gunwalker". The whistleblowers are pointing their fingers at the ATF leadership, and it looks like Napolitano, Holder and Clinton were all behind this.

The boots on the ground guys did not come up with this, and neither did the FFL dealers involved. They both questioned these sales, but were told to let them slide. Now, the dealers fear being entrapped by the ATF.

cranky_yankee said...

Regardless of the outcome of this travesty, at least the veil is falling off and the players true intentions are being revealed.

These assaults on legal firearm ownership have never been about protecting the general populace, but to further restrict access to one's rights, draw your own conclusions as to why.

It looks as though this criminality is about to be converted to a simple lack of judgment and a lapse of reason and will be addressed in that manner.

The news media seems to be spinning the story this way, perhaps the delay in reporting was to basically get all media outlets "reading off the same page".

Their will be some hearings, apologies, promises to rethink future strategies, a few reassignments and an obligatory slap on the wrist.

The "boots on the ground" as usual will take the fallout.

Pat H. said...

Helmke and his close friend, Josh Horwitz, have never been about safety and reduced crime. In fact, they depend on crime and oppose all programs to enhance safe use of firearms and weapons and have for decades.

They're about state power and control.

I always ask the question, "what is it you want to do to us if we disarm?"

Naturally, it's rhetorical, I'll never disarm nor will I permit my family and friends to be disarmed.

Anonymous said...

Seemingly Mr. Helmke is out to lunch on the violence that ended in death to no less than hundreds of brown people south of our border. With thousands of these firearms being allowed to be bought and not stopped as they traveled over the boarder into the hands of murderous drug gangs. The lack of alarm by Mr. Helmke seems to me to show a totally different agenda than the one he states he's all about. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems logical to wonder.

Sean said...

Helmke talks like he does because he's a sap. A sap is a guy that keeps on spouting the same crap, no matter how many times he's shown to be an ignorant liar. If he were Jap Slapped about thirty or forty times, he might let up a little.