Wednesday, April 06, 2011

ATF’s ‘in part’ FOIA response indicative of Bureau stonewalling

“Your request is granted in part,” LaBrie continues. We are releasing the disclosable portions of the documents and withholding portions for the reasons shown on the cover sheet that accompanies the documents."

“In part” is an understatement... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that some stone walls are made of paper. Still, there is information to be learned here.

Also, catch up with the latest "Project Guntalker" radio segments.

Please share this link, including with your senators and representative, and demand that they demand answers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when the system is set up so that the people in question in the system do not have any accountability for their actions. Before, during and after the matter at hand. They know they can skate and will conduct themselves in such a manor.
Seemingly this is going to be a waiting game to drag Gun Walker out as long as possible. Our tax dollars at work.