Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making Us All Look Bad

A terminal Fudd from an unofficial NRA message board on the Philadelphia outrage*:
This is an unfortunate case. It is an example of a law abiding, legal gun owner being deliberately confrontational and uncooperative with a police officer who has lost fellow officers to people with guns, and whose responsibility it is to make sure that the unknown person walking down the street with a gun is not some nut job out to cause mayhem. The officer has to do that as safely as possible, and it's not too much to ask an unknown person to willingly submit and cooperate with police while his status is being confirmed. It really doesn't matter whether or not the officer knew the letter of the law. He was trying to protect himself and other citizens around him, and legal details would have come to light as the investigation progressed. All this gun toter has accomplished is to further alienate and pit the Philadelphia police department and district attorney against legal gun owners, and we certainly don't need that.  
 May your chains rest lightly, pal. And may your knees not cramp overmuch.  And wipe your chin.



Ned said...

Mr. Quisling Fudd is a perfect example of "friends" we don't need.

My shooting buddy is an ex-cop, and he's much more frightened by the Brown Shirt tactics of LEOs than of the average criminal.

Ask yourself - are you worried about a car following you - unless that car has lights on the top?

Since LEOs are now Revenue Agents, they tend to find all sorts of reasons to pull over vehicles and abscond with funds from the driver, no matter if the driver actually is guilty of a traffic infraction or not.

Load that in your Fudd Superposed and fire it.

Bruce W. Krafft said...

How about if we state it another way:

Well of course it is legal for colored people to walk the streets, they'll just be "inconvenienced" if they do.

zach said...

What a contemptible slave.

Anonymous said...

terminal fudd is a perfect description. Contemptible slave isn't bad either.

Disgusting creature.

MamaLiberty said...

Nowhere is the presumption of innocence more important than "on the street." If we started to shake down and prone out everyone on the street with cell phones or backpacks just because they "might" be some sort of threat... I suspect we wouldn't get too far with it.

"May your chains rest lightly, pal. And may your knees not cramp overmuch. And wipe your chin."

Yeah, love that part. :)