Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Exclusive: Story of central ‘Operation Castaway’ figure in his own words

This correspondent has established communications with Crumpler, currently doing time at a federal corrections facility, after being approached by a friend of his... [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner column presents an exclusive insider look...


Long Island Mike said...

David I can't believe the incredible job that you and MV are doing on this story. If you guys don't get nominated and win a Pulitzer Prize for journalism at some point it will be a shame. But maybe you don't want one LOL !

Ok so here is my 2 cents on this continuing saga. Take it for what it's worth. I'm just a nobody watching from the sidelines.

As this web of lies and intrigue continues to spread I am questioning the following: You would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not see where this all going. You have arms trafficking from multiple sources, multiple geographies on both ends of the trail, multiple domestic agencies, guns in the THOUSANDS, recipients who are non-US nationals, recipients who are known criminals, gangs, narco-terrorist groups. At what point does the CIA and NSA come into this story? You can't tell me that CIA assets in Central America and Mexico weren't aware of some aspect of this. That the NSA wasn't doing sigint intercepts on what must have been recipients communications/cell phone calls/etc. That when monitoring these, which must have indicated "hey we are getting 200 guns today from the Gringos", and that this went on for months if not years, that the red light didn't come on in Langley and Fort Meade. I am having a real hard time believing it didn't.

So the next questions are: When do the mysterious deaths start to show up, who steps forward from these agencies as a whistleblower, or when is the "official" investigation of Issa and Grassely discretely put to bed? I've also been wondering if the recent change of players at CIA and Defense might even have some basis in this stuff. But now I'm getting paranoid and of course the US government would never engage in a coverup. Would they ?

David Codrea said...

If CIA and NSA are unaware of this, we ought to be terrified.

Greg in Allston said...

If I remember correctly, CIA/NSA missed the boat regarding Pakistani and Indian nuclear weapons tests in 1998. Food for thought.

BTW, good going getting the interview with Mr. Crumpler. Keep up the good work, keep the pressure on and watch your back my friend.