Friday, September 02, 2011

On My Honor

Say, we need more people like that here! [Read]

It would teach us tolerance for cultural differences!


Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

And yet, the oh so erudite progressives in this country think Islam is just peachy, and despise Christianity with all their hearts.

Damn! Just... damn!

Sean said...

It ain't no religion. It's a political force. A chunk of hogs ass, served on a mud platter.

Ned said...

Most folks can't even remotely relate to the kind of beliefs that would came someone even consider such an act.

Little girls who've been raped manage to get home - hoping for a little love and support from daddy - get a sharp blade across the throat.

People who unconditionally support "diversity" would love to have this guy in their neighborhood - right? These are typically the same folks who believe it's better to be raped than to kill the rapist with a gun. In this case, it didn't matter. The were murdered by family - not by the rapist. Folks, we just need to embrace these cultural differences. If we don't, we're obviously racists.

W W Woodward said...

Support diversity - Tolerate intolerance. Yeah sure.

That SoB needs to be gang raped and then have his throat cut with a cross cut saw by someone suffering from palsy.

My damn PC is just about worn smooth out.
