Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bloomberg in Open Armed Rebellion Against Federal Government

I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world. [More]
Oh really?
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress...keep time of Peace...
Assuming that also applies to cities within States, I call on the federal government to invade New York, disarm these unconstitutional troops and arrest their commander in chief.

And seeing as how this flies in the face of the supreme law of the land, the militia should be called out to put down this insurrection, as is our duty...

[Via Chris Mallory]


Ned said...

Crazy as a loon. What does that say for the people who voted, and keep voting, him in?

Braden Lynch said...

Oh really?

Just because he is the mayor of a large city does not make him very special. He seems to think that by just having the U.N. in his city makes him an international guru.

His 7th biggest army comment makes it plain that he is an idiot. How many police officers would obey his illegal orders if he refused to abide by federal laws.

I seem to remember National Guard troops being called in for similar defiance.

Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

Wow! Open warfare with NYC cops! I can't wait!

They need a serious comeuppance. So does Boomingidiot.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Bimbo Bloomie to provide proof of his elitism, his contra-constitutional positions and policies, and his utterly insipid stupidity when it come to common sense, ethics, morality, and reality.......but then hey, it's Noo Yohk City ain't it?

Ed said...

Bloomberg also claims to have his own State Department, also in violation of Article 10 of the U.S. Constitution.
No State shall "...enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power".
Does he think because he runs a city, not a state, that this does not apply to him?
Oh, never mind. We already know that the thinks that the confines of the U.S. Constitution do not apply to him.

Link P said...

Quick, someone alert the CSGV so they can add him to their Insurrectionist Timeline.

Glenn B said...

As much as Bloomberg is an idiot, and there are none as big as him in the world of u.S. ploitics, you guys need to take a chill pill. You take comments like that as a serious violation of the Constitution, oh please. Stick with what he really does that is illegal and attack him for that. Try to rule out the bullshit. You ight really get some place.

David Codrea said...

You are correct. Someone needs to take a chill pill.