Friday, November 11, 2011

We're the Only Ones Establishing a Pattern Enough

Altogether Savage has been the target of 22 internal investigations and has had 30 findings of misconduct--everything from conduct unbecoming, to insubordination to inappropriate use of authority.
While patrolling Vashon Island in 2009, Savage racked up so many complaints the Sheriff’s Office moved him off the island after just nine months.

“I don’t think it’s possible to understate how fearful these folks were,” said Vashon Defense Attorney Steve Mueller. [More]
So he's a domestic terrorist? And he's not too bright, either? I mean, people do some pretty desperate things when they're "fearful."  Especially when the source of that fear is, all things considered, a fairly easy target if they decide to control and channel their feelings into something else...

This one got me:
One of the recent cases involves a complaint that Savage told a teen he could sexually assault her with a pen and she couldn’t stop him.

If some fat f*** thug threatened one of my children this way, I'd be tempted to find out if the pen truly is mightier than the sword...

[Via Jeet]


Beat And Release said...

Really? Twenty-two IA's and thirty findings? Guys like this only made my job harder by instilling a deep distrust and lack of respect in the citizens I served. His department didn't help much either, apparently. I'm proud of my service, but I'm also glad I have moved on and away from the profession.

jselvy said...

This is why the police are demanding that the citizenry be disarmed.
This guy should have been put down like a rabid dog long before this.