Monday, December 19, 2011

Prepare for Blowback


You know what that means.


W W Woodward said...

The RINOs want business as usual. All their conservatism hype is lip service.

Dr. Paul IS electable if real supporters of conservatism and Constitutionalism will put their support and votes where their mouths are.

Otherwise all we're going to end up with is the same old $hit.


AJ said...

It would be very refreshing to have a President who actually cares about the Constitution. Mitt, Newt, and Obama would (or do)wipe their worthless asses with it.
I agree with WWW, Newt or Mitt would just be more of the same shit we've been getting for at least the last three administrations.

unclemike said...

Mittens and the Newt aren't my Idea of small govt advocates, but I don't like what Ron Paul is selling either. I want my President to guard the boarders and deal with our enemies in the world. I think Ron Paul is nuts.

David Codrea said...

A career Naval officer, a man whom I greatly respect both for his fidelity to the Constitution and his professional military expertise, thinks differently.  My friend is a savvy, educated man, unclemike, and no naive ideologue.

Ned said...

Regardless of what Unclemike and others of that mindset believe - U.S. Taxpayers can no longer fund military bases in something like 170+ countries overseas - this country will be bankrupt soon from acting as arbitrary "defender of the world."

As for defending the borders, that's exactly what RP intends to do. May I suggest checking out Ron Paul's website and read his positions on the issues instead of listing to sound-bytes by Neocon Warmongers? May give folks a different view of RP's intentions.

My position is, I'm pretty tired of the lies tossed about by both mainstream party candidates. At least Ron Paul is consistent, and like him or not, folks know what they're actually getting with him.

unclemike said...

"Regardless of what Unclemike and others of that mindset believe - U.S. Taxpayers can no longer fund military bases in something like 170+ countries overseas - this country will be bankrupt soon from acting as arbitrary "defender of the world."

OK, I'll go away, but first: I didn't say I wanted the U.S. to be defender of the world, I think I said something about defending the U.S. against it's enemies: we have been attacked within our borders. And I should have been more sensitive about saying ANYTHING negative about RP. It only invites flames.

David Codrea said...

No one told you to go away and no one flamed you. The only one doing ad hominem was you, who called a man nuts just on your say so. If you want to have the discussion, have the discussion. If you're going to pick up your ball and go home because people have different viewpoints, that's your choice.