Friday, December 02, 2011

Those Who Cannot Remember the Past...


What are they prepared to do about it should someone ignore their stupid sign?

Or if there's no glass to tape it to?

Aaron called such thinking "bagel brained."  And encouraged us to think of the consequences.


Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

I find it amazing that the Jews could be split over the issue of guns. Some are wise enough to desire guns, others are foolish enough to fear and hate them. How does that happen in a people who still have the memories of the Holocaust fresh in their minds?

Pat H. said...

Bagel-brained is the least of what Aaron Zelman called them.

His opinion of Israel was, to say the least, not high either, for similar reasons.

Ed said...

Those signs offer the same protection against violence as the efforts by some not to hear speech disturbing to them by sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling "La-La-La-La-La I can't hear you!"

The violence and disturbing speech occur despite the feeble and ineffective efforts. What do you think the effect of signs stating the following would be:

"WARNING - We encourage the responsible possession and the appropriate and effective use of deadly weapons on this property"?

Who would enter the property with bad intent other than the illiterate, incompotent or high risk-takers?

wakko said...

Perhaps someone needs to give them a primer on the Warsaw ghetto uprising?

Bruce Krafft said...

One of my favorite authors, Joel Rosenberg (now gone to his reward, alas) wrote a brief essay on this subject when MN's permit law passed. The scene is a synagogue, and everyone there is talking about how they'll need to put up signs to ban guns. After everyone else is done, one old man says "Why don't we just put this sign up?" and holds up a sign that says "Attention Nazis: Unarmed Jews inside". The decision was made not to post the synagogue.