Friday, December 09, 2011

What, Me Quirky?

Mike and David are certainly quirky, and way too direct for mainstream sensibilities, but they are the real deal.  You want the full story on Gunwalker, you go to them. [More]

Thanks, Kevin Wilmeth!  This is exactly the kind of stuff that really helps get the word out, and is especially relevant to the GRE column I have in mind for today.

Darling kid in the profile photo, btw.  Reminds me of the one I posted of me with feral sons Uday and Qusay on our old GunTruths site.  The one in the hat  is a college junior and the one in my lap is a high school senior who's as tall as I am now.

Here's an old family video of me applying my parenting skills and them responding in kind.

"Quirky" indeed.

1 comment:

Toastrider said...

Wear it as a badge of pride. There are worse things to be known as than 'quirky'.

'Dishonest' springs to mind. WHY HALO THAR, MISTAH HOLDER!