Saturday, March 17, 2012

ATF agents put careers on line to report management abuses

Tellingly, and in spite of the personal risks, with documented examples of retaliation endured, they pledge [with emphasis in the original]:
The authors of this action will testify before Congress or meet with the Director without the benefit of counsel and will not invoke their right to the attorney client privilege if the agency heads will do the same. The truth remains the truth negates the need to hide behind legal representation.
Also tellingly: They demonstrate their motives are not partisan...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner exclusive report reveals an unmet challenge, gives another reason why Republicans aren't treating things more critically and urgently, and shows how self-serving those trying to derail things are. This really is important information that the "Authorized Journalists" will completely ignore. If it's going to become more widely known, that's up to the willingness of each of us to help disseminate the link.

1 comment:

David Codrea said...

Anonymous posted this comment under "Vanderboegh Medical Update"--it belongs here:

I suggest a bucnk of emails to our congressmen, and Rep Issa with a question: Is this how people who look to hold governement accountable are treated and spied upon?