Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Not So Smart ALEC

The rabid commies are trying to sink them and rope-selling capitalist rats are abandoning ship.

So what's a principled organization to do?

Sell out is base.

Well, there goes any motivation I might have had to help bail.

Do they really think that will stop the attack?


MamaLiberty said...

"...cut off their funding..."

Where does their "funding" come from? If these are actually free market advocates, shouldn't they be funding themselves? If they fund themselves... how can anyone cut it?

I'm missing something here.

AJ said...

Opposition to Socialism is racist. (sarc.)

Anonymous said...

"Stand Your Ground" laws—self-defense measures that give people greater latitude to kill someone who is threatening ..."

I would like to see more people refute this lie. This is how the media mis-defines things, to shape how people think and talk about them.

No duty to retreat does not give you greater latitude to kill.