Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Requests to investigate anti-gun Philly top cop’s ‘gun crimes’ ignored

“[Ramsey] has openly carried a firearm in the city of Philadelphia but is neither a certified police officer, nor does he have a license to carry firearms,” Prince informed Attorney General Linda L. Kelly in an April 17 letter, providing citations to relevant Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes sections . “Furthermore, he wears a uniform and displays a badge, but is not a certified police officer, in violation of Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Program… Accordingly, he is also not entitled to compensation.” [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks if anti-gun police officials really are the "Only Ones" exempt from complying with laws they'd happily have their armed enforcers take us down over.

1 comment:

Ned said...

I once opined that this crap would continue until a citizen can seek redress by bringing charges before a grand jury. I won't bother re-stating the matter in its entirety here. None of the lawyers I worked with were willing to run with this.

And so, the same ole bullshit continues.