Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Bad Assumption

I assumed someone would help me... [More]
And what did we learn from this, young student?


Anonymous said...

Although heinous in nature this attack could also have been fabricated. All those people there and no one stopped to help someone who was being brutalized?
There a few recent examples. I believe FBI statictics show that most of the alleged hate crimes are actually perpetrated by the supposed victim.

Ned said...

One would hope that he learned not to put himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I learned that early, and it has served me well.

The other lesson is so obvious it likely escapes him. Where were his gubmint "protectors?"

David Codrea said...

Anon's speculation struck me as a possibility, too. Something about this story--or at least the way it was told--just doesn't feel right.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I was right about the hate related attack being fabricated. Although he did get his ass handed to him it was probably a result of too much liquid courage. And yes I am the origional anon poster. I had to come back and add the comment and the link.
