Thursday, August 30, 2012

To Whom It May Concern

So sorry to hear about  [INSERT NAME HERE] [More]

One of the most heart-wrenching scenes in Mel Gibson's brilliant "We Were Soldiers" deals with the way death notices were delivered to the wives.

I'll not ask my mother how her parents got the news about her kid brother, my Uncle Nick.  Some years back a friend went to Italy to visit relatives living near Nettuno and took a photo of his grave. This was over 50 years after the fact and it still made her weep.

I saw McCain seemingly making the case for Syrian intervention last night in his RNC speech and wondered why he was not pelted off the stage instead of cheered.


Kent McManigal said...

Why? Because "conservatives" love their sacrament of War and love to engage in human sacrifice for the "honor" of killing brown people in other lands. Plus, the broken and dead bodies give them more opportunities to worship The State. It's why they will never be friends of real liberty. Yeah, I'm tired of it. Really tired.

Redleg said...


I had a similar experience with my grandmother. Her brother was KIA in Italy in June of 1944 and she would take me to the Memorial Day Service every year to pay her respects. Even 42 years later the loss of her little brother was a painful experience and her mother it seems died of a broken heart. I also visited his grave in Florence, Italy to pay my respects (as well as Anzio-Nettuno) and the sight of all of those white crosses really drove home the costs of their sacrifice...this being before the "War on Terror" and the loss of my best friend in Afghanistan in 2003.

Unfortunately the politicians have proven time and time again that they give less than a damn about our troops and are all too happy to commit them to engagements that do not serve the national interest but only further their political agendas. It took me decades to wake up to the reality, I just wish all of my brothers in arms would do the same.