Friday, September 07, 2012

Ethics, "Authorized Journalist"-Style

Buying official merchandise at the DNC means making a donation the Obama campaign, an activity that is generally frowned upon for members of the media. [More]
As opposed to giving the campaign free advertising in the form of "straight news" stories.

I watched the speeches last night--I think the talking heads who say the message was weak have it all wrong--it's not about meaningful content, it's about revival tent evangelism, and anybody who thinks there is still a substantial segment of "undecideds" out there to sway by staying middle-of-the-road is engaging in wishful thinking.

Biden repeating the bumper sticker BinLaden/GM mantra is what it's all about, that and branding.

If it were about logic, when The One kept telling the writhing faithful "You did that!" someone would have called him on his own words and shouted back "Oh no you di-n't."


Anonymous said...

Why can't they be ethical like Hannity and just unashamedly shill for their candidate of choice.

David Codrea said...

Hannity self-identifies as a conservative political commentator. There's a difference between editorials and straight news. Surely you knew that?

Anonymous said...

I watched both dog and pussy shows and overall found it remarkable how our betters can say anything - They utter outright lies with a glib smile and as easily as if they were reciting gospel from memory.

By the end of last night when the face of the coup accepted his coronation I found myself thinking of Ben Franklin and Sam Adams and their admonitions that our constitution is for a virtuous people and immediately came to the conclusion that the republic is lost.

Both sides have played the middle for so long (and the middle has been stupid and asleep for so long) that the infrastructure as we view it seems at last overwelming.

When I read Mike V or I think of Charleton Hestons' "Cold dead hands" rhetoric - that's all it seems to have become - rhetoric - mental (sometimes anguished oral) masturbation. The blather of bleating sheep(le).

"we" have been reduced to nothing more than reactors - to the few percent who may insist that freedom be taken from our cold dead fingers but (it seems to me) there is no there there anymore.

"we" may be killed a few at a time taking a few of them with us but restoring the constitutional republic - I can't see it ever happening.

We've been tricked - we're fools and our children should remember us for it

How would Pandoras box be opened?

Exactly how would the current entrenched socialism be ended without massive civil war, massive factionalism, massive self interest
run amok at every level?

How exactly will a force coalesce and save the republic for our grandchildren. Will the children fight the grandparents? Will the grandparents kill the grandchildren? Will Homeland security use their 4 bullets per citizen?

What are those 10 FEMA camps for?

Don't know but after watching this week I would not put all my investments into freedom or dollars

PS: I did like the buttons;

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