Friday, December 07, 2012

We're the Only Ones Ending a Tense Situation Enough

Of course, we're also the "Only Ones" who created that tense situation in the first place ... [Read]

Me, I'd like to know the name of the snitch.

You've read this, right?

[Via William T]

1 comment:

Frederick H Watkins said...

I read "Rats" and believe me, I've been practicing OPSEC in my life for a few years already. My small circle of friends get a "briefing" from me about it every once in a while, especially when one of them says something that could have been overheard by someone nearby who didn't hear all that was said.

I wonder if the drug possession conviction in '92 made him a prohibited person, the article didn't say except he got six months.

Of course, since the Uhh-thaw-re-tees have made the bust they'll try everything they can to get a conviction on something.