Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Leaning Forward

Oh look, another genocidal madman to join whatshisname Kaul... [Read]

Yep, these are just the people I want to cede a monopoly of violence to.

[Via Mack H]


Chas said...

Government didn't have tanks, planes, helicopters and armed drones when the Second Amendment was written. These days, we need a stronger Second Amendment than the current one that allows us to own nothing more powerful than the modern equivalent of a musket. I want the right own full auto firearms, a right that we used to have, to be restored for a start. Government has become enormously disproportionately empowered against the people. That Second Amendment imbalance needs to be addressed. Let's discuss that in our "national conversation" that the left is so eager to have.

Chas said...

I elaborated on my previous post in a comment on an editorial at the Albany Times Union's website today. They were beating up on David Petronis for not being "civil" enough while they're trying to shut down his gun show in Saratoga. Their hit piece and my responses are here: