Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why do you 'need assault rifles‘ or 'high-capacity‘ magazines?

"Essential Liberty" author Rob Olive brings up the fear factor, and he's not talking about the show. [Read]


Bill said...

I'd love to read this article -- potential answers to the top two arguments of the anti-gun interests. But it doesn't show properly on my tablet...overlapping text, won't scroll to show last 3 or 4 words on each line, and won't go beyond page 1.

Would be good if "share" option allowed sending text to email, if code can't be adapted for Android.

Bill said...

Was able to read the article perfectly on Android phone, so problem may just be with the Samsung tablet or the Android update. It is a fine article. Thanks for posting it.

Anonymous said...

Why did Rosa Parks 'need' to sit at the front of the bus?

Rob O. said...

Guys, anyone who's unable to download the article can email me at robosu1@comcast.net and I will email the PDF back to you. You should be able to download from the link, however. Thanks very much for your interest.

Rob Olive
Essential Liberty - A Novel