Tuesday, March 05, 2013

And the Hits Just Keep on Coming

Gutierrez's bill would expand the ATF's safety requirements for imported handguns to those manufactured domestically. It would also make it a federal crime to possess so-called "junk" handguns, or transfer them to others. [More]
They will never stop. They will never be satisfied that they've got enough. That's why giving them anything is such an inexcusably dumb-ass tactic.

[Via Andrea Shea King]


PolyKahr said...


I thought "Saturday Night Specials" were done away with in the 60s. Any idea what guns this guy is talking about? And, oh by the way, if he outlaws "cheap" guns, won't he be making self defense for poor people unaffordable? What is it with these guys.

Best wishes,

Pakkinpoppa said...

First they came for the ugly, scary guns, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the poor people's guns...and being a snob, decided nothing less than a $500 piece was worthwhile, so I said less than nothing.