Friday, April 05, 2013

dis·tort verb \di-ˈstȯrt\: To transcribe

Rather than debate me on the merits of this common-sense proposal, the gun lobby has decided to distort remarks I made at a recent forum in Denver to attack me personally. After the forum, opponents of my bill intentionally mischaracterized one phrase from my remarks, spreading half-truths to mobilize their on-line allies. This is what they do and what they have done for decades to distract the public conversation from the critical issue of reducing gun violence. [More
So now quoting you verbatim is distorting your remarks. Cool -- as long as you reserve that power to yourself, you can win every debate that way! And we should probably all forget the pathetic damage control statement that just dug a deeper hole.

Would you call this "tripling down"?

She keeps forgetting the cardinal rule:

Never go full DeGette.

1 comment:

MamaLiberty said...

Awwww, let her keep digging. Sick sort of fun to watch... but oh well.