Thursday, May 02, 2013

Levy Continues Destroying His Reputation --And Our Rights

Now he wants to expand background checks. [Read]

A short while back he was supporting us in our hour of need by helping grease the skids for magazine capacity limits.

He's not only dragging his own name down, but in his capacity as Chairman, the credibility of Cato as people those interested in liberty can trust.

A little noted pitfall of Heller: By reinforcing the "in common use at the time" standard, We the People have essentially been cut off from and had the legal door slammed on us for all future developments in arms technology.


JD said...

Not sure how the In Common Use cuts us off from new stuff. If it is adopted by folks slowly the gun grabbers probably won't notice it in time to pass a law before it becomes in common use. . . I would also argue that if the cops or military use it then it is in common use . . .

Anonymous said...

Perhaps two doesn't make for an infestation, but it surely arouses suspcion: Gotta Wonder What's Happening with CATO

Roger J said...

Of course, if he had written AGAINST "background checks" (code word for gun/owner registration) the Grey Lady wouldn't have accepted his article. Our "betters" can't stand divergent opinions.