Monday, June 24, 2013

Huddled Masses

Schumer predicts mass demonstrations if House blocks path to citizenship [More]
That could lead to some truly interesting developments...


Anonymous said...

There is a already a path to citizenship - immigrate here legally.
And say that people already willing to violate the law threaten violence upon us does not give me a reason to feel encouraged to provide a path to joining in our national debates. If they feel that strongly moved to act violently against someone let them go back to their homes in other lands and act out violently against those who wrong them there.
Michael Gale

Ed said...

Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty are the words of Emma Lazarus:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

My ancestors are some of those "wretched refuse", but they came here legally, following the rules in place when they immigrated. Do we really want the "wretched refuse" that refuse to follow the simple rules that we have in place? What other rules are they willing to violate for their own economic advantage? I am all for denying a path to citizenship for all who are now in our country illegally and call for their immediate deportation. Follow the process or be gone. Otherwise, we must acknowledge that there are no rules that must be followed, and call "fool" all those who have followed the rules.

Frederick H Watkins said...

Since Chuck made the dire prediction you can bet your last dollar a mass demonstration is already in the planning stages and of course, Chuck knows all about it.