Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Standing Up to Bigots

If the endorsed prohibition in Newtown were against a certain gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation, the public would be outraged, and rightfully so! [More]
Bill Stevens tells me "this is also going to be in the weekly print edition of the Newtown Bee this Friday, and I have a RTC meeting tomorrow night with Llodra... should be interesting!"

Interesting indeed:
Llodra, a Republican, earned a standing ovation when President Barack Obama came to town, and he applauded her by name at his visit to Newtown earlier this month. She has made four trips to Washington, D.C., to talk about gun control, while back home she was organizing conversations about the fate of the Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Connecticut "Republicans" embracing "progressive" ignorance and hate would do well to heed a change in the wind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another RINO?